Is mahabharat real? Proof.

Yes Mahabharatha happened 5000 years back. It was scientifically proven by archaeologist S.R. Rao. 
Some rare picture's taken by him.

Above pics are taken by S.R Rao findings
, By carbon dating he correctly said that, Dwaraka was submerged 5000 years back.
Also there was a Narasimha idol which is worshipped in Sode Vadiraja Mutt daily. This idol was found by Sri Vadirajaru in Bhimkhund near kuru kshetra (vadiraja was great saint and he will come to bramha position after Vayu(hanuman))
This idol was worshiped by bhima himself.
Also there was moola rama idol which dates back to Kritha Yug which was worshiped by Bramha, All kings of Raghu dynasty and Sri Rama himself worshiped this idol (Middle Idol). Right idol worshiped by jaya thirtha(Incarnation of Indra). Left Idol worshiped by madhwacharya (Incarnation of vayu after Hanuman & Bhima)
Currently we can see this idlos in Mantralayam, raghavendra swamy mutt. We can see daily poojas to this main idol’s.
Thanks for Reading
